Computer Keyboard

If there is one thing that I am horrible with it is a computer keyboard. I can type just fine, but I can’t seem to keep them in one piece. I have gone through at least three of them in the past two years, and I know it’s all my fault. I haven’t worn them out, though that could be a possibility. No, the problem is that I spend a good part of my day at my computer because of work, and I always seem to find a way to ruin a perfectly good computer keyboard without much help from anyone else. The first time I broke a computer keyboard was way back when we had Web TV. This was a way to get on the Internet without a computer. I came with a small box that hooked up to your television and your phone line, and it came with a wireless computer keyboard. It was great to use when we didn’t have a computer, though you couldn’t do everything you can do with a computer. You could not download anything, and it didn’t have a lot of memory to use. That keyboard died when I threw it against the wall. I’m not a nut, but I had a very bad moment and it went up against the wall, never to be used again. After I got my first computer I made the mistake of spilling water into my keyboard. I didn’t spill a lot of it, but it was enough to make me panic. I insisted that my husband take the computer keyboard apart to dry it out. What I didn’t know was that I should have allowed it to air dry. It would have had a better chance at survival. Though it might not have been ok, it was certainly done for after my husband got done with it. I also lost a computer keyboard to a bowl of soup. I know that I should be eating soup at my desk, and I know that it is probably the worst thing I could have around a computer keyboard. It spilled inside when I bumped it with my elbow. This time I did try to let it air dry, but I knew it was too late. I went out and bought a new computer keyboard before it had a chance to dry out. I knew it was toast. It’s a good thing they are so cheap.